If your postgraduate dissertation is based on secondary research and you need a bit of support and advice for writing and structuring it, then this is the workshop for you. We’ll cover introductions and conclusions, reviewing the literature, structuring your writing and the all-important finishing touches. 

Join the Academic Skills Centre for this online workshop, where we’ll look at the approaches you can take to writing up your research, followed by a Q&A where you can ask any questions related to this topic.

Please use our booking form to request a place. This workshop will be online via Zoom. You will be sent a link to join via email on the day of the workshop.

This workshop is part of our PGT Academic Skills Workshop Series .  You can attend as many or as few workshops in this series as you would like.  All online workshops will be recorded and you will receive a copy of the recording if you have completed our booking form, even if you didn't attend on the day.

If you have any queries please contact: asc@contacts.bham.ac.uk