Watch a bespoke Dance-film created by Divya Kasturi in collaboration with Jo Cork, followed by a live Q&A.
'A love letter to Varnam' by Divya Kasturi, is a bespoke Dance-film created in collaboration with screen-dance specialist Jo Cork (Jo Cork Dance and Digital), featuring original music and visual design by John-Marc Gowans and Chitravina Ganesh(Indian instrument Chitravina). This short film showcases intricacy, emotes warmth and is an accessible rumination on ideas and experiences of love. Beautifully executed and set against stunning video projection images and original music in an echo from the stage show. Inspired by Varnam, a piece de resistance of Bharatanatyam repertoire, the film also features BA(Hons) Contemporary Dance students of Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, London with whom Divya was invited work with.
'A love letter to Varnam' is a sister-film to a live critically acclaimed Dance-theatrical work ‘To Varnam…with love (TVWL)’ by Choreographer and Performer Divya Kasturi.
Following the film, join Divya and Jo in a discussion about the film where you will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Please find the link below to join today's session at 12:00 (BST - UK) or 15:00 (GST - Dubai):
Zoom Link -
Meeting ID: 883 6434 3982
Passcode: 941007
Watch at 12:00 (BST - UK) or 15:00 (GST - Dubai) on Friday 21 June 2024
Photographer credit SriKumar