We only hold auditions once per year, and these always occur at the start of the new academic year, so make sure to come along if you are interested in joining.

Audition information for instrumentalists, singers, pianists, and jazz musicians can be found on our Google Drive, as well as useful materials available for download. Sign up for an audition by emailing universitymusichub@contacts.bham.ac.uk

You can find out more on our webpage University Music at the University of Birmingham

Schedule of auditions


  • Tuesday 1 October,14:00-17:00
  • Friday 4 October, 14:00-17:00

Cellos (& Double Bass)

  • Wednesday 2 October, 10:00-18:00


  • Friday 4 October, 09:00-13:00

Double Reeds

  • Thursday 3 October, 18:30-21:30


  • Thursday 3 October, 12:00-18:00


For the Jazz Orchestra and special small group opportunities.

  • Monday 30 September, 18:30-21:30
  • Tuesday 1 October, 18:30-21:30
  • Wednesday 2 October, 18:30-21:30

Overspill & Harps

  • Wednesday 2 October, 14:00-20:00


  • Tuesday 1 October, 09:30-12:30


  • Friday 4 October, 10:00-13:00


For the Birmingham University Singers, Birmingham Upper Voices, University Camerata, University Vocal Consort, and University of Birmingham Voices.

  • Monday 30 September, 10:00-16:00
  • Tuesday 1 October, 09:00-17:00
  • Wednesday 2 October, 09:00-17:00
  • Thursday 3 October, 09:00-17:00


  • Tuesday 1 October, 10:00-13:00


  • Monday 30 September, 10:00-17:00
  • Wednesday 2 October, 10:00-13:00