We know that websites like www.jobs.ac.uk put large numbers of academic job adverts all in one place, but are there other methods you can use to find opportunities within academia?

And when it comes to job hunting in sectors beyond academia, there's no single place to go looking.

So, how should you look for jobs? How do employers hire? And what can you do to put yourself in the best position?

This session aims to tackle these questions to help you develop a 'multi-pronged' and effective approach to job hunting both within and beyond academia.

The event is open to all PGTs and PGRs. For PGT students, this session counts as a Masterclass towards the Postgraduate Professional Development Award.

To attend this workshop, please sign up using the booking link in Careers Connect.


The workshop aims to help you:

  • Identify useful strategies for job hunting within and beyond academia
  • Recognise some of the key recruitment methods used by employers beyond academia
  • Apply tips to your own job hunt