Arts & Law Events

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Fri 27th September

Two students chat outside Neurodivergent and Differently Abled: Coffee Morning
10am - noon
Room LG03, Teaching and Learning Building
This is a safe space to meet and share your experiences with your peers over refreshment and nibbles. Meet current students to learn more about what is it like to be differently abled and/or neurodivergent in the College of Arts & Law.

Tue 22nd October

Two students crafting at a table Drop in and draw
1:15pm - 1:45pm
The Barber Institute Foyer and Galleries
Why not take a lunchtime break from study and find a space to reconnect with your creative side? Join us for a relaxed drawing exploration of the Barber. Take notice, look deeper and learn new drawing techniques. No booking necessary, just drop in.

Tue 19th November

Two students crafting at a table Drop in and draw
1:15pm - 1:45pm
The Barber Institute Foyer and Galleries
Why not take a lunchtime break from study and find a space to reconnect with your creative side? Join us for a relaxed drawing exploration of the Barber. Take notice, look deeper and learn new drawing techniques. No booking necessary, just drop in.

Tue 21st January

Two students crafting at a table Drop in and draw
1:15pm - 1:45pm
The Barber Institute Foyer and Galleries
Why not take a lunchtime break from study and find a space to reconnect with your creative side? Join us for a relaxed drawing exploration of the Barber. Take notice, look deeper and learn new drawing techniques. No booking necessary, just drop in.
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