Arts & Law Events

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Fri 21st February

Old Joe on a blue sky day with a bird flying nearby From Birds to Words: Onomatopoeia, metaphor, and the language of birdsong
4pm - 5pm
Room G03, Alan Walters building and Online
Professor Winter's inaugural lecture examines a unique corpus of bird field guides and their description of birdsong, and how creative strategies like sound imitation and metaphor are used to bridge gaps in our articulation of sensory experiences.

Tue 11th March

An aerial shot of the upper half of the Old Joe clocktower on a cloudy day Good Bad Books: Our love affair with dystopia
6pm - 7pm
Room G11, Alan Walters building
Why do we enjoy reading about suffering? Are we thrilled by their horrors? In his inaugural lecture, Professor Nathan Waddell delves into the history of literary dystopias and their tension between form and content.
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