University Graduate School Events

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Tue 1st October

5 students sit chatting at a tall table PhD Chat for new researchers and returners
10am - 11:30am
Westmere House
Come and chat with other Postgraduate Research students (PGRs) about any worries that arise when getting started with your PhD, and what you're excited for in the year ahead!

Thu 3rd October

Two students on a bench chatting on a sunny day Postgraduate Research Westmere Social
3pm - 5pm
Westmere House
Kick off the new academic year in style with this 'Welcome to Westmere' social! All Postgraduate Research (PGR) students are invited.

Fri 18th October

A student looks down at a laptop Your PhD what next? Understanding what you want from life after PhD
11am - 12:15pm
Identify your skills and preferences, recognise which of these you most want to use in your future work, and understand what you want from your career post-PhD.

Wed 23rd October

PGR Careers Beyond Academia: How to Research Your Options
noon - 1pm
Get an introduction to a range of useful research strategies and resources that you can use to research career options beyond academia.

Tue 5th November

Image of a student looking up from a laptop Job hunting within and beyond academia: tips for Postgrads
2pm - 3:15pm
Understand key recruitment methods used by employers, and how to develop an effective ‘multi-pronged’ approach to job hunting, in this workshop for postgraduates.

Wed 13th November

Two students chat whilst working on laptops Making Job Applications Beyond Academia: CV & cover letter tips for PGRs
10am - 11:30am
Learn more about the key differences between academic and non-academic CVs and applications and how to write them effectively.

Wed 20th November

Students sit in a classroom, chatting and working on laptops Promoting your Postgrad Skills in Online Applications
1pm - 2:30pm
In this interactive session we will cover the typical tasks you will face during online applications and tips for each of them. This event counts as one of the Masterclasses for the Postgraduate Professional Development Award.

Tue 3rd December

A group of students and an academic sit around a table in discussion Interview Skills: Top Tips for Postgrads
1pm - 2:30pm
Understand more about interview situations both within and beyond academia, and know how to manage yourself and do yourself justice in interviews. This event counts as one of the Masterclasses for the Postgraduate Professional Development Award.
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